Welcome to the Andrew Robson Bridge Store
Bridge flippers and flowcharts
Spiral bound for ease of use at the table, the flippers offer concise tips for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced players – an aide-memoire for every standard. Plus laminated flowcharts to help you with your bidding.
Bridge lesson booklets
Twenty bridge lesson booklets, covering the whole game: bidding, play and defence. Most books start at a basic level and finish quite advanced. You can also find Beginning Bridge and Strong Notrump and Five-card Majors books in here.
Andrew’s books & arrow cards
Arrow cards enable you to deal the hands from the books and practise at home, ranging from beginner to tournament level. In here you can find The Next Level (Orange book) and Tips for Intermediates (Black book) as well as What Should Have Happened, Andrew’s Top Tens and A Pack of Dos & Dont’s
DVDs and downloads
Andrew's lessons for all standards.
Playing cards
Andrew Robson Club playing cards, plus a wide variety of Caspari cards and rubber bridge score pads with attractive designs
Tables, cloths & bidding boxes
A range of beautiful Pelissier tables, felt or velvet cloths in a variety of colours, plus bidding boxes.
Computer bridge
Bridge playing and instructional software for players of all standards.
Arrow pack topics
Practice your bidding at home. Deal out the cards and have a go, then after the hand is over consult the booklet to see if you charted the right course.. The handy table laminate will help you along the way.